Equip your team with the latest in data collecting technology

Market Research Company Use Case

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your data collections?

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Learn more about what our application has to offer below

Equip your team with the latest in data collecting technology

Market Research Company Use Case

Retail information at the emerging countries are tricky due to the high ratio of traditional stores. The tool support all the features required for research agents to optimize their tasks at shop-front.

Research agent checks in at store location

1. Research agent checks in at store location

Research agent collects store and price information

2. Research agent collects store and price information

Research agent takes photos of the store to be saved and submitted

3. Research agent takes photos of the store to be saved and submitted

Collected data is accessed with admin tools for various methods of data analysis

4. Collected data is accessed with admin tools for various methods of data analysis

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Replacing Tradition

Pen and paper data collections are replaced by an easy-to-use mobile application for more effective and efficient work.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

SPSS Compliant

FieldCheck’s data format is compliant with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for easy analysis. The system supports both SPSS upload and download.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Fraud Check

Multi-layer accuracy is verified using features such as data duplication and data collection locations.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Data Analysis

Collected data can be analyzed effectively with FieldCheck’s analysis tools. The system supports filtering and cross-tabbing to make your data management better.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Admin Tools

All-in-one admin tools help make your field work transparent and improve your PDCA.

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